
Auctus Strategy

Prosperity; made greater.

Breaking with convention, our accounting and taxation advice delivers beyond the norm. Advisors in prosperity strategies and engineers of financial legacies, we believe complacency is the enemy of success. Your well-being and good fortunes should serve benefits beyond today, moulding time into an asset. Financial succession requires strategy, planning and execution to stay ahead of the curve. Some say we make it look easy. When the truest value of prosperity comes from unencumbered growth in perpetuity, the cost of not growing is a reversal of your fortunes.


Greater Prosperity

Our deep experience affords us the ability to offer fixed fee engagements. We remove time barriers, engaging with you over the long-term on all questions and challenges to optimise financial opportunity.

We deliver advice and strategic solutions to transition newfound and established wealth for bespoke private and business clientele. Our services range across tax, business and corporate advisory, forensic analysis, litigation support, lending, and estate planning expertise.


Taxation Strategy

Our complex self-assessment tax system puts the onus on you to know your rights and obligations. We take that burden of responsibility off your shoulders, ensuring you maximise tax efficiency with forward planning to pay your fair share of tax.

International Taxation

With extensive international taxation experience, we help you navigate the landscape to pay the fair amount of tax both at home and abroad. Mitigating your exposure across international jurisdictions, our team will give you peace of mind.

Acquisition & Exit Strategy

Avoid undervaluing your business with careful planning of finances, accounting policies, and structures. This ensures maximum value is realised during acquisitions, mergers, or exits, an area often overlooked by buyers, vendors, and partners.


Corporate Advisory

To minimise business risk and maximise return, it’s important to understand your rights and obligations in dealing with stakeholders. We help you protect your wealth from dealings with banks, employees, contractors, and customers.

Financial Modelling

We help you uncover business opportunities and risks months and years ahead of time with the right analysis and tools. Using proven financial models, we devise and implement the strategies to handle them with confidence.

Taxation Disputes

Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself facing a dispute with the ATO or another revenue authority. To ensure a level playing field, we apply our understanding of the tax law and the tax litigation lifecycle to ensure your interests are protected and you pay your fair share of tax.


Litigation Support

With deep experience in forensic analysis, we reveal hidden gems within accounting records to provide evidence in the event of third party legal disputes, our firm specialises in finding the truth behind the numbers.

Legacy Planning

Insightful estate structuring protects your assets to ensure their value is handed down to the next generation. To avoid unfair outcomes and minimal tax leakage, we uncover your business and family goals to help you achieve greater prosperity outcomes.

Accounting Services

Our fixed fee engagements and experience ensure no-fuss accounting services. Our philosophy is to provide you with timely and accurate financial reporting all the time so you focus on the future to ensure all your plans are realised.


Lending Services

Our firm specialises in supporting your business and personal wealth goals by using residential, commercial and business finance strategies to achieve your goals.


Are you getting the most out of your time?

Resetting your relationship with time, we’re here to extend the growth of your prosperity.